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Ink 10-18-2006 02:25 PM

Truckers on strike in Vancouver, BC??
My Stormsilver Fit has finally arrived, but its being locked away at the loading dock. My sales person told me that the truckers who delievers the car via from the dock to dealerships are on strike. Can anyone help me confirm this?? If so, does anybody know when abouts these strikes usually end??


MarkB 10-20-2006 09:06 PM

It's true. Lazy Union workers. They hold a strike this time of year every year. I hope some day Unions move off shore where they are needed rather than pillaging our ecomomy. It's no wonder the domestic sector is going straight to hell. I'm waiting for mine to. It's stuck in Hongcouver. :(

spreadhead 10-20-2006 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by MarkB
It's true. Lazy Union workers. They hold a strike this time of year every year. I hope some day Unions move off shore where they are needed rather than pillaging our ecomomy. It's no wonder the domestic sector is going straight to hell. I'm waiting for mine to. It's stuck in Hongcouver. :(

Lazy union workers, the same people who brought you weekends and YOUR health insurance!

MarkB 10-21-2006 10:23 AM

What ever man.... there was a time when Unions were needed. Now they are running companies into the ground. I have numerous clients who are union. Totally different work ethic than non. Don't feed us that. There is no good reason why they are on strike in Vancouver right now. They have more than most. The TRUTH is Unions are needed in China and India. Not here. It's no wonder Domestics are going out of business when you have some tool making 60 bucks and hour on an assembly line making caddys' They are raping our economy.

Mugen_Dom 10-21-2006 10:43 AM

There is NO trucker strike in BC.

Your dealer is BS-ing you.

They hold a strike this time of year every year.

MarkB 10-21-2006 02:38 PM

Well more than 1 prov. is having all their stock held back in Vancouver. It's either the Trucking company or the Docks holding it.

whiz 10-21-2006 04:33 PM

Can anybody find anything on this... because i can't find 1 news story at all.

MarkB 10-21-2006 05:04 PM

Neither can I.... Maybe it is BS. Unions are still nasty though :)

MarkB 10-22-2006 08:59 AM

Well the latest I've heard is there might be 1 trucking company that is on strike. Got word from some one in BC that is waiting for their Civic SI. Most of these cars move across via Train so what roll would a trucking company have? take it from the port to the rail?

spreadhead 10-22-2006 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by MarkB
Well the latest I've heard is there might be 1 trucking company that is on strike. Got word from some one in BC that is waiting for their Civic SI. Most of these cars move across via Train so what roll would a trucking company have? take it from the port to the rail?

All ports have rail access. Cars are hauled by truck from where they are off loaded from the train to the dealer, usually 200 miles or less except in remote areas (unless the dealer is near the port).

startroops 10-22-2006 11:07 PM

Well, that's what the dealer told me as well. Which dealership are you ordering your car from?

However, I got my car within 3 days, from walking into the dealership, putting the downpayment, clearing the finance, and picking up the vehicle. I consider myself super lucky!

MarkB 10-22-2006 11:35 PM

yeah that is lucky. I ordered mine end of Aug. Birchwood. I guess it maybe pays to be closer to the source eh? :)

MarkB 10-23-2006 06:08 PM

Still nothing in the news or the local news on the west coast. You would figure by now something would make the news if there was even 1 trucking company on strike. There's more coming in 1 port than cars I'm sure. Someone else has got to notice.

Ink 10-24-2006 02:18 PM

I would've thought a major strike for a major car company would be posted throughout the media. But I also haven't seen a thing for it yet. I called my carsales man today and he told me that the truckers are still on strike at the loading docks. Also they would love to send towtrucks in there to tow the cars but they formed a picket line. Werid.

startroops 10-24-2006 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by Ink
I called my carsales man today and he told me that the truckers are still on strike at the loading docks.

Which dealership are you getting the car from? Have you put down the deposit or downpayment? Have you worked out all your financing or leasing work?

Ink 10-25-2006 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by startroops
Which dealership are you getting the car from? Have you put down the deposit or downpayment? Have you worked out all your financing or leasing work?

Automall, Richmond, BC. Deposit and all paperwork has been signed. Buying out the car.

My friend who has a job of a BMW carsales man has just confirmed that the loading dock strike is not only affecting Honda but all other dealerships as well.


MarkB 10-25-2006 04:45 PM

We should show up with a bunch of tow trucks. Or better yet give those guys a free mission field trip to a 3rd world country for a week then they'll see that their job isn't that bad. :)

startroops 10-25-2006 10:24 PM

Originally Posted by Ink
Automall, Richmond, BC. Deposit and all paperwork has been signed. Buying out the car.

My friend who has a job of a BMW carsales man has just confirmed that the loading dock strike is not only affecting Honda but all other dealerships as well.


I'm surprised that it hasn't hit the news yet. Good luck on the wait, the reward is well worth it I can assure you!!

Ink 10-26-2006 01:12 AM

Thank you very much for all the tips and advices from fellow "fit freaks." I know I will be very happy once I get the car and share my "soon to be modded FIT" with you all.


spoonek4 10-26-2006 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by MarkB
Well the latest I've heard is there might be 1 trucking company that is on strike. Got word from some one in BC that is waiting for their Civic SI. Most of these cars move across via Train so what roll would a trucking company have? take it from the port to the rail?

I just talked with one of the dock employees few days ago and YES THEY'RE ON STRIKE since about a week ago as far as he told me.

Hondas from Japan comes into the dock here in Vancouver and get loaded on to rail at the same lot. There is no needed to be trucked out to other locations to be loaded AT ALL.

Be a lil more patience, I was working in the dock for a few years before and they were never really on strike for a good few years. So don't blame the rail/lot guys at the dock. I'm not sure about Allied truckers though.

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