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Texas Coyote 10-16-2009 11:13 AM

Everyone should carry large caliber fire arms and an open hunting season should be enacted upon people that drive while texting, applying makeup, eating, following too closely and not stopping at stop signs, and large fines and prison sentences imposed on survivors or those the injure or kill anyone by doing these things.

Juliane 10-16-2009 12:06 PM

Now Now, Coyote, that's a wee bit extreme don't you think??? You'd have a lot more dead drunks than anything else. I mean *really* dead, not just wasted on booze. If people did what you advocate, I'd be dead right now, I cut someone off this morning by accident!

Texas Coyote 10-16-2009 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by Juliane (Post 764023)
Now Now, Coyote, that's a wee bit extreme don't you think??? You'd have a lot more dead drunks than anything else. I mean *really* dead, not just wasted on booze. If people did what you advocate, I'd be dead right now, I cut someone off this morning by accident!

Yes Juliane I am extremely tired of people that drive without bringing their brain with them or using it to focus on things other than driving....I suppose that ridding the roads of drunks would put the local law enforcement and judiciary system in a money losing situation as well, not to mention the liquor distributors. driving requires undivided attention from every one and drastic enforcement is obviously not working so advocating tougher measures to open the eyes of those that make driving hazardous appears to be an obvious option.... I occasionally mess up but I drive in a non aggressive and very defensive manner yet there are times that I have close calls on two lane county roads and have to drive off into the ditch to avoid had on collisions or lock up my brakes because some idiot is to involved in conversation on his (her) cell phone to stop at a stop sign, red light before turning right or yield right away to me because I drive a little clown car and they have a 1 ton quad cab flat bed dually..... It is common for a person to be sitting in a left turn lane to be hit head on by a person making a left turn from the intersecting left turn lane to their right because people don't make turns but cut through intersections...... I can go on forever, tell me what you think can be done to make drivers become aware of the fact that they are breaking the law and endangering the lives of others..... The worse offenders I have met have lawyers they pay a mere pittance to expunge charges brought against them and laugh about it.

SammiJo 10-23-2009 01:43 PM

Do you know what happened to the totaled car?

I need a new oil pan for my engine...


polokid69 10-23-2009 06:27 PM

if this was directed at me, no, I don't know, some auto salvage place picked up for Geico

fendertweed 10-28-2009 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by mikejet (Post 743191)
Get a lawyer to work everything out for you. Because of the circumstances there should be no upfront fee and you should get a new car too.

A friend of mine was tboned turning left and got a check for the total value of the car, free chiropractic sessions for several months, and another check for $1800.

unless you have physical injuries, I think it's overkill bordering on absurd to get a lawyer for this at this point... first of all no decent lawyer's going to take that case because the total amount at issue is so small (I'm a lawyer & I would tell you you don't need one if you came to me with this case, absent physical injuries).

work it through your insurance company and let them know you want diminished value (which you are not entitled to get from your own insurance company but you are entitled to get from the at fault party's insurance co.)....

polokid69 10-28-2009 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by fendertweed (Post 769229)
unless you have physical injuries, I think it's overkill bordering on absurd to get a lawyer for this at this point... first of all no decent lawyer's going to take that case because the total amount at issue is so small (I'm a lawyer & I would tell you you don't need one if you came to me with this case, absent physical injuries).

work it through your insurance company and let them know you want diminished value (which you are not entitled to get from your own insurance company but you are entitled to get from the at fault party's insurance co.)....

So far, I have got the other guys insurance to admit fault to my insurance company. The other guys insurance company sent me a ck for my deductible, $500, My insurance paid the value of my 1 yr old FIT for market value in my area less the $500 the other guys insurance already gave me.
I was able to get $1500 refund on a $2200 ext warranty on the old FIT paid to my finance company,and my Gap Insurance is going to pay the difference left on my loan with Honda, about $1000. The question would be, I will be clear of my old Honda loan but it's like I lost a years worth of payments I had on the old car because I'm starting over with a new FIT. I don't owe anything except the price of the new one but lets say I had 48 months left on the old loan before the collision, now I'm back to square one at 60 months. Do you think the other guy's insurance still owes me anything ?

fendertweed 10-28-2009 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by polokid69 (Post 769317)
So far, I have got the other guys insurance to admit fault to my insurance company. The other guys insurance company sent me a ck for my deductible, $500, My insurance paid the value of my 1 yr old FIT for market value in my area less the $500 the other guys insurance already gave me.
I was able to get $1500 refund on a $2200 ext warranty on the old FIT paid to my finance company,and my Gap Insurance is going to pay the difference left on my loan with Honda, about $1000. The question would be, I will be clear of my old Honda loan but it's like I lost a years worth of payments I had on the old car because I'm starting over with a new FIT. I don't owe anything except the price of the new one but lets say I had 48 months left on the old loan before the collision, now I'm back to square one at 60 months. Do you think the other guy's insurance still owes me anything ?

but you didn't lose a year's worth of payments: you got to drive your old car for a year, so really, you got what you paid for (as you said, you're starting over with a brand new Fit), though it sucks to have to go through this...

based on what you describe I'm not sure he owes you anything more though you could try to shoot for the $700 difference on the extended service contract (which you never really got to use since you never used up the factory warranty) -- they may not go for that but you can always try to take the owner of the at fault car to small claims court for your $700. Whether or not you'd succeed I can't say.

It's always a drag when a good car gets hit hard, it's hard to come out ahead or even break even.

polokid69 10-28-2009 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by fendertweed (Post 769333)
but you didn't lose a year's worth of payments: you got to drive your old car for a year, so really, you got what you paid for (as you said, you're starting over with a brand new Fit), though it sucks to have to go through this...

based on what you describe I'm not sure he owes you anything more though you could try to shoot for the $700 difference on the extended service contract (which you never really got to use since you never used up the factory warranty) -- they may not go for that but you can always try to take the owner of the at fault car to small claims court for your $700. Whether or not you'd succeed I can't say.

It's always a drag when a good car gets hit hard, it's hard to come out ahead or even break even.

that probably would be more trouble than it's worth. I do have an extra $50 from my rental car that my insurance didn't cover that I think I'll call and see if they(his insurance) will accept my receipts and reimburse me . I really only want whats do me, nothing more but don't want to be taken advantage of either you know.

fendertweed 10-28-2009 09:51 PM

Originally Posted by polokid69 (Post 769346)
that probably would be more trouble than it's worth. I do have an extra $50 from my rental car that my insurance didn't cover that I think I'll call and see if they(his insurance) will accept my receipts and reimburse me . I really only want whats do me, nothing more but don't want to be taken advantage of either you know.

I agree, I think it would prob. be more trouble than its worth but wanted to give you a complete/thoughtful answer, looking for any possible source of $$ you might be due.

The other insurance co. should reimburse you for that rental, that should be pretty standard IMO. Good luck.


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