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altonwoods 05-25-2016 10:22 AM

Opinions about the '17 fit
I'm about 3 months into my research of cars to buy for my daughter who will turn 16 in April of next year. The fit has caught my eye and I've been reading a lot about it and have visited the dealership as well. I've found this site to be very informative and I'm just wondering what if any issues Honda has dealt with in this upcoming model year. The airconditioning might be a deal breaker for me if it doesn't work any better than reported, also the flimsy metal they're made from but I guess that's all cars these days. I'm also concerned that Honda is following in the footsteps of companies like GM who attained great success only to rest on their laurels and place profit over building a quality product. I've still got lots of time to do my research and I am looking at other models such as Mazda, any suggestions there would also be appreciated.


bach 05-25-2016 12:09 PM

Look around the forum. The general consensus is that if Honda follows past protocol, the '17 Fit won't be any different than the '16, which wasn't any different than the '15 (except for the price; that keeps going up). So pretty much what you seen now is what you'll get next year.

As for alternatives, I really like the Scion (soon to be just plain ol' Toyota) iA. It's a rebadged Mazda2 and the price-to-feature ratio is really sweet IMHO. My newly minted college grad will probably snarf one up before winter, so leave a red one for her, please.

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