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H8TON 06-04-2007 03:51 PM

So ok what is it with rednecks? I live in North Carolina originally from Orlando. Seems everytime I go out, or even working at a dealer I always get the dumb a** question duhh what kinda little honda is that? Followed buy it looks so small and cute like a clown car duh huh! I was even having this conversation with my buddy,we were gonna do a local car show here but whats the point all these rednecks know is mustang duhh or big Ford truck. We have some respectable cars to! Nissan Skyline,CRX pushin 500whp which was on Pinks! WHATS YOUR OPINIONS LET ME HEAR EM!!!:D

FITrunner 06-04-2007 06:19 PM

Just smile and laugh it off knowing that you are better informed in the auto world by knowing that the world does not revolve around Ford or Chevy. I gave up explaining to people like that a long time ago, you can't teach what cant or doesnt want to be taught. :cool:

serinammavongsa 06-04-2007 07:50 PM

same here man...i hate it when people make fun of Fits...calling it a "cute car" it gets annoying sometimes...but i get what your saying man...

Cat 06-04-2007 07:59 PM

You never know if they are going to give you a hard time about driving an import. A guy stopped on the lot of Dairy Queen in a black Dodge Ram and went all around my car as I sit in line - yeeks! But he was really nice and said he really liked my car!

Just do what you want to do with your Fit and maybe they will learn that Honda has built one of the greatest little cars in the world. I've had mine for 3 weeks now and still can't get over how great it is. I still have people driving beside me really looking at it hard trying to figure it out.

Cat :X

radareclipse 06-04-2007 09:17 PM

I don't know how many letters you can have on your license plate, but maybe you could get:


Then again, they wouldn't get it.

Halcyon 06-04-2007 09:58 PM

It's been out a year and people still don't know what a Fit is when i say what my car is. Oh well, that just means its special

andy23666 06-04-2007 11:01 PM

Hey some guy pulled up next to me the other night and was like "nice civic dude" I was like "WTF?" So I know what you mean.

Raaaaaaaaaay. 06-04-2007 11:03 PM

Everyone at my job makes fun of my car. They call it "clown car" "the It" "little thing" and the lead I work under calls it my Target Shopping cart. Hahaha!! I love that one. He always jokes about me buying my tools a Toys-R-US.

My friends blue RSX-S is the WalMart shopping cart.

I always play along. I always add "Look at my cute car." Or I ask if people think its cute.

I could really care less. Once they sit inside of it all the insults stop. Some reason the inside looks/finish put them in aww. Keep in mind they all drive domestics. I love parking it next to the MegaCab Diesels. Ill take a pic one day.

The only thing I noticed about rednecks is they always want to race me. Idk?

FITrunner 06-05-2007 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by Mx6GT89 (Post 145927)

The only thing I noticed about rednecks is they always want to race me. Idk?

They would race shopping carts if they could. Too much brain space with nothing in there, so they race to fill the void. :p :D JK as I know some import people tend to want to do nothing but race as well, specially if im in my X. Problem is in my area its stoplight heaven so they beat me to the next stop light...ooooo big accomplishment. :D

jdmfitfreak 06-05-2007 10:52 PM

i get those funny looks and when i first got the car a lot of people were like what kinda of car is that. its so cute! i had two police officers scoping it out and i didn't know who they were they weren't in uniform and i was getting gas and i was in huntsville and i was like great im about to get jacked or these man are gonna say something stupid. but turned out they were two cops in regular day wear and they were like "is that the honda fit? how many miles do you get..look at those seats thats nice is there really that much room in there" so on and so on. then i saw their badge so i was like ok i can talk to these guys. the few people thats messed with me are big huge ford trucks and some mustangs. hello 109 horse power! geesh. and sometimes my daughter is in the car with me..yea like i'd race you! knowing that i have 109hp! i dont think so! i get comments like is that a fit? thats so cute look at her and the car it fits her so well. i hear that the most

Ricepuddin 06-05-2007 11:43 PM


I dnk if ive told the small penis story yet. so I'll tell it again.

Originally Posted by Me on toyotanation
this was from wheni still had the Fit.
So i took the Fit out to pick something up from HEB this mouring. I go in get what i need and come out. As i walk to my car i see some dude in a truck parked next to my car. This truck had a body lift and and some big ass tires. Dude said something to his girl friend about look at that big guy getting into that little *** car....

Ok so i couldn't help myself....

Your the one with the giant ass truck that looks like its never seen the mud in its life, and why to compensate for the fact that you have a small dick, where as i drive a small car and all i have to do to prove i have a big dick is drop my pants... well i must have struck the nail on the head because his girl giggled a little and the dude just looked at me with a look of discontent. i waited a couple seconds for a rebuttal and got nothing... so i left

Small car big dick will always be > then big truck small dick.

serinammavongsa 06-06-2007 12:37 AM

i understand and experience waht everysingle one of you guys are saying...the small penis story is the funniest man...shit imma hav to do the same, but its koo when people look at your car in awe, but i hate those guys who ask if i wanna race.....dumbasses

fitboy408 06-06-2007 02:16 AM

Ugh, that's a cool story ricepuddin.

I get different comments on my Fit. While some people (usually the younger crowd that are my age) think it's pretty tight, for some reason the older folks (especially some that I work with too) make fun of it for looking "girly" or being strictly a "chick's car." One guy at my work teases me for it being white, and saying how "Oh wow, so you got a chick's car and then you got WHITE... Wow, that makes it SO more manly!" Ergh, I just play along but it's kind of strange. I think white is a clean ass color! But to each their own. :o

Nevertheless though, the Fit overall seems to get a lot of attention for most of us probably. :p

H8TON 06-06-2007 09:30 AM

Well Its good to know Im not the only one out there,just seems like more cause I live in North Carolina.:rolleyes: Yes I have heard the clown thing also,so irritating. But Keep on Keeping on:D

firstshadow 06-06-2007 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by fitboy408 (Post 146319)
Ugh, that's a cool story ricepuddin.

I get different comments on my Fit. While some people (usually the younger crowd that are my age) think it's pretty tight, for some reason the older folks (especially some that I work with too) make fun of it for looking "girly" or being strictly a "chick's car." One guy at my work teases me for it being white, and saying how "Oh wow, so you got a chick's car and then you got WHITE... Wow, that makes it SO more manly!" Ergh, I just play along but it's kind of strange. I think white is a clean ass color! But to each their own. :o

Nevertheless though, the Fit overall seems to get a lot of attention for most of us probably. :p

lol if he says that again you should go and say, "define manly." :D

KentuckyFit 06-14-2007 01:57 PM

I know this thread is kinda old, but I just happened upon it today.

I know exactly what you guys mean about the "rednecks" liking their domestic cars. My family lives in central Kentucky, so it is a VERY country place. It seems like the only vehicles anybody wants is Ford and Chevy. geez

I guess they aren't educated enough to realize that Ford and Chevy aren't the only vehicles available (and most definitely NOT the best)!

My cousin (love him to death) said, "Well we don't make that!" when I told him I was getting a Honda.

I do have some rednecks in my family.... the only thing you can do with those kind of people is laugh it off and realize you have the better vehicle! lol

Ricepuddin 06-14-2007 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by KentuckyFit (Post 148937)
I know this thread is kinda old, but I just happened upon it today.

I know exactly what you guys mean about the "rednecks" liking their domestic cars. My family lives in central Kentucky, so it is a VERY country place. It seems like the only vehicles anybody wants is Ford and Chevy. geez

I guess they aren't educated enough to realize that Ford and Chevy aren't the only vehicles available (and most definitely NOT the best)!

My cousin (love him to death) said, "Well we don't make that!" when I told him I was getting a Honda.

I do have some rednecks in my family.... the only thing you can do with those kind of people is laugh it off and realize you have the better vehicle! lol

Should have told your cousin that we don't make Chevy's either.

ewdysar 06-14-2007 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by KentuckyFit (Post 148937)
I know this thread is kinda old, but I just happened upon it today...

My cousin (love him to death) said, "Well we don't make that!" when I told him I was getting a Honda.

I do have some rednecks in my family.... the only thing you can do with those kind of people is laugh it off and realize you have the better vehicle! lol

The funny thing is that he was accidently correct, the Fits are all made in Japan. I'm guessing that virtually all other Hondas that he has seen recently were made in the US. In the modern global business world, there is very little "us and them" left.


coldstorage5 06-14-2007 05:40 PM

New York State

I live in Westchester NY. All I get are compliments, Not one insult. Every one loves my car. Maybe becuase gas is $3.45. Or people here are not so afraid to own an import.:cool:

MouthfulOfchris 06-14-2007 06:28 PM

I don't have a Fit story yet (I pick mine up this weekend - yeah!) but I do have a redneck story.

I used to have a first gen turbo Talon Tsi. It was modded and decently fast. I had just finished beating down a newish Trans-Am. Bubba redneck leans out his window and yells, "Hey man, I think something is wrong with your car. It is making a funny noise"

Knowing there was nothing wrong, I play along. "Why? What did you hear?"

Bubba replies, "Your car is making a funny hissing noise and a loud 'whoosh' when you shift."

Dumb founded, I just stared at him for a while. "Umm...yeah. I'll look into it!" I think discussing the finer points of the turbo that just beat him would have been completely lost on Bubba.

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