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TaffetaWhite 09-20-2009 01:59 AM

Stuff I thought was funny.
Yes, that's right folks, funny stuff.

Things I found funny. You may not find them equally funny. Well too bad. You probably don't get it. I might not get it either. But by golly, it makes me laugh anyway.

Join me now for some funny stuff. Who knew the wonderful world of Amazon shopping was chock full o' funny goodness?


Amazon hijacked: 10 funniest review threads

Reviews posted by Amazon customers have become one of the online retailer's most useful and popular features. But they are open to abuse by mischievous commenters.

Published: 7:00AM BST 15 Sep 2009
This T-shirt attracted more than 1,400 reviews on Amazon

Here are ten items that have had their review threads hijacked and taken in bizarre directions by playful web users.
Some of the products - such as the three wolf moon T-shirt above - have developed into internet memes in their own right, spawning spin-off spoofs and jokes.

You can let us know your favourite Amazon reviews in the comment box at the bottom of the story.

1) A Whole New World (CD) - Katie Price and Peter Andre
Number of reviews: 83
Why it took off: An album of duets by the celebrity couple Britain loves to hate was always going to be a target. And the "moody" black and white cover image didn't help.
Sample reviews:
i) If you can imagine a soothing blend of jojoba oils, vanilla, and WD40 being poured into both ear holes simultaneously, then you will have only been able to scratch the surface of the feast of pleasure that is Katie And Pete's "A Whole New World" Album. Similar in it's ambition to Wagner's "ring cycle" but less German, "A Whole New World" is one of the best sound combinations that has ever been recorded.
ii) From the delicate strands, between two minds they weave their mesh: a blanket to warm the soul.
iii) I wonder if I will ever be able to gaze into another human's eyes and not feel cold disappointment when I realize that they, no matter who they be, are not Katie Price and Peter Andre's A Whole New World.

2) Tuscan whole milk 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz
Number of reviews: 1,111
Why it took off: You don't find many perishable foodstuffs for sale online. Especially not by the gallon.
Sample reviews:
i) Haiku entitled: Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz
Sweet nectar of God
Forged from a thousand udders
Jug of excellence

ii) I saw a Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz going for just $2,500 and had to order one! From the brightly colored plastic cap to the cheery label realistically depicting the Tuscan countryside, this milk screams quality.
iii) Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl. Oz. changed my whole perception of milk. Being a clever fellow, I bought this used and decided against expedited shipping - I mean, I already have milk, I can wait a week or so for some more. When I finally got it and started pounding straight from the jug, I was pleasantly surprised to find clumps of milk sticking in my throat! Inspired, I poured it into a bowl and ate the rest with a spoon. No cereal required! Now I save tons of cash not buying oatmeal, cereal, or chocolate chip cookies. Who needs them when the milk itself is a food?

Number of reviews: 50
Why it took off: The book's energetic title, combined with the self-published author Eliyzabeth Anderson's passion for caps lock.
Sample reviews:
ii) By avoiding this book you will miss out on the precise location of the heretical surfboard worshipped by the British royal family and the sinister significance of Abe Lincoln's unholy quadrille. You will also miss out on the explanation of why the Hairy-Eared Dwarf Lemur is really God's own tree-dwelling angel-on-earth and on the coded instructions showing how to grow a prize-winning mushroom, which the author cunningly gleaned from a close textural analysis of St. Paul's third birthday card to the Corinthians.

4) Paul Ross canvas print
Number of reviews: 83
Why it took off: Despite a lengthy TV and radio career, Paul will always be known as "the other Ross brother". With the released of a print of his face, fans saw the opportunity to give him the glory he deserves.
Sample reviews:
i) If you only buy one 20 inch canvas print of Paul Ross this year, this is the one to get.
ii) I purchased this wonderous print almost 2 years ago & it means more to me than you can ever imagine. In fact I recently had a horrific house fire & only had time to save 2 things - I chose this & one of the twins!
iii)Every morning before I leave for work, I pause for a moment of reflection - a thought for the day, if you will. I look at my 20 inch canvas print of Paul Ross and the same thought occurs: "This. Is a man". With that, I am ready for anything.

5) Three wolf moon short-sleeve T-shirt
Number of reviews: 1,438
Why it took off: Three wolves howling at the moon - this preposterously wonderful T-shirt was red meat to internet trolls.
Sample reviews:
i) I have been wearing this shirt for 2,043 days straight and it smells like a fruit orchard. I have the retro version of this shirt, and I must tell you, I am not inclined to upgrade. Much like Samson in the Bible, the longer I wear this shirt, the more power I possess.
ii) I received this shirt as a gift for my 42nd birthday. I still remember coming up the stairs to see what mom had made for breakfast, and there it was, howling at me beside my Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich and my Jimmy Beam breakfast drink. I'd never seen such majesty before, beckoning at me and sending ripples across my stomach and into my nipples. I was home.
iii) I'm not saying the Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt grants you eternal life. I'm just not saying it doesn't.

6) Bic Crystal Ballpoint Pen, Medium Point, Black
Number of reviews: 188
Why it took off: Who wouldn't want to review a biro?
Sample reviews:
i) All my life I have been scratching away at paper for up to five seconds each time I wish to write anew. This unwanted delay in 'ink flow' has cost me roughly 26 minutes of my so far twenty one years on this planet. Increasingly disillusioned with the state of the Brtish pen industry I decided to 'Go French' and purchase a Bic Crystal Ballpoint Pen. I could not be happier.
ii) "Worked fine with my right hand, but when I came to use my left hand my writing came out looking like the work of a complete imbecile. I can only assume Bic have created a right-handed only pen, and would caution left-handers to 'try before you buy'."
iii) I wondered how long it would take for the rest of the world to discover this little beauty. My only concern is that now the secrets out of the bag, i might find it more difficult to find a replacement for the one i currently own. For this reason i will be ordering one or two as emergency back-up just in case.

7) Uranium ore
Number of reviews: 167
Why it took off: Nuclear material doesn't usually come though the post.
Sample reviews:
i) I bought this to power a home-made submarine that I use to look for prehistoric-era life forms in land-locked lakes around my home town in Alaska. At first I wasn't sure if this item would (or could) arrive via mail, but I was glad to see it showed up with no problems. Well, almost no problems. Unfortuantly my mom opened my mail, because she does not respect people's privacy. She was pretty upset to see Uranium Ore.

ii) I purchased this product 4.47 Billion Years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty.
iii) I ordered a can of Uranium Ore to use as a seductive body dust, as it's much cheaper than those glitter body powders you can buy at department stores, and in addition I prefer the gentle yellow glow it gives to the gaudy glitter of those powders. Not only does it stay in place and glow all night at the dance clubs, but the effects of the radiation have improved my life significantly.

8) JL421 Badonkadonk Land Cruiser/Tank
Number of reviews: 226
Why it took off: Amazon shoppers were attracted by the chance to own an armoured fighting machine, and even more impressed by its reasonable price.
Sample reviews:
i) I'll admit it. Shopping for a personal tank can be a bit daunting. Many times in the past I've purchased overpriced, so-called "battle tanks", then driven them into battle only to be wrecked in ten minutes by the first blow off of some insurgents home-made morter. But not this baby, no way.
ii) When I first saw this tank for sale, I was skeptical. How can they pack all that "tank" goodness inside, for such an affordable price? I wasn't sure if this tank was for me, but I decided to give it a try, and boy am I glad I did!
iii) Have you ever wanted to be the dictator of an obscure country whose name you can't pronounce, only to realize you don't have the appropriate armaments in your suburban garage to give you that tactical advantage? Now, thanks to the good people at NAO Design, you have access to a device that can make your third-world conquests a reality.

9) Zubaz pants
Number of reviews: 50
Why it took off: Everyone has a view on zebra-striped trousers.
Sample reviews:
i) As a long time Iowan, I do love these pants. I like to wear them for more formal occassions, like State Fairs and weddins. I couldn't give them five stars because they have no american flag on them.
ii) As an animal conservationist and body-building enthusiast there is no better way to say, "I love animals" and "My thighs are so huge and meaty I can't wear regular pants" than with these Zubaz pants. They are perfect for the gym, when regular shorts just won't cover your junk or your trunk. And they are perfect on safari when you want to befriend lady zebras.
iii) Ode on an Awesome Pantaloon
When old age shall this generation waste,
Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st,
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

10) Penetrating Wagner's Ring
Number of reviews: 7
Why it took off: The title
Sample reviews:
i) Previous explorations of Wagner's vast Ring piece have been unfulfilling, but Di Gaetani is unafraid to thrust deeply and energetically into this dark and forbidding cavern. A highly satisfying exploration leading the reader to a positively biblical understanding of Wagner's Ring.
ii) After so many years of tentative and superficial studies that barely begin to enter the deep and satisfying world of Wagner's Ring, it's fantastic to read a book that's unafraid to go straight to the bottom of it. Di Gaetani situates the Ring within its entire cultural context, even discussing the gross abuse meted out to it by Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd in the classic Looney Tunes cartoon.
iii) There will always be those who are opposed to musical analysis (just the same as there will always be those who resort to juvenile humour, regarding the title). They may suggest that Wagner's Ring is 'violated' with excessive force of scholarship. For this reviewer, however, Wagner's Ring remains quite intact and is indeed tightened by the exploration.


Source, the ever so funny telegraph in the uk:
Amazon hijacked: 10 funniest review threads - Telegraph

TaffetaWhite 09-20-2009 03:50 PM

Misheard lyrics
Ah, yes, misheard lyrics are sure to amuse...

1) Robert Palmer

Addicted To Love

Might as well face it, you're a d**k with a glove.

Click here to see the real lyric
2) National Anthems

Oh Canada

Oh Canada, we stand on cars and freeze...

Click here to see the real lyric
3) R.E.M.

Losing My Religion

Let's pee in the corner, Let's pee in the spotlight.

Click here to see the real lyric
4) J. Geils Band


My anus is the center hole

Click here to see the real lyric
5) Queen

Bohemian Rhapsody

The algebra has a devil for a sidekick eeeeeeeeee....

Click here to see the real lyric

Plenty more where those came from, check it out:
The Archive of Misheard Lyrics -

TaffetaWhite 09-20-2009 09:18 PM

Feel free to add your own funny sites. Everyone can use a laugh most of the time. Generally funny, light, silly sites I'd love to see. Nothing hateful or hurtful, I think we get enough of that just by reading the news.

This site has many contributions, much like the above two posts:
Aaron Karo presents

When many people post what they think is funny, something in there is bound to be funny to you too.

AND, anyone who wants to contribute TO those sites CAN contribute. So if you think of something funny while reading, you can add to the enjoyment of others.

Here's one that cracked me up (language changed...):

I hate when you're on the computer and a pop-up starts talking, but it begins speaking before the actual window comes up. You sit there and think, "where the heck is that voice coming from?"

I had that happen so many times while looking for cars via the Honda Dealer Locator. Voices, or unexpected music. There should be some kind of default off button. Scares the crap out of me, especially when I have the volume up on the computer speakers.

It's like the voice of god is a woman trying to sell me a car while I'm looking all over the room in a panic after banging my knees on the table.

TaffetaWhite 09-21-2009 09:54 AM

Ever exclaimed "Oh. My. God."?

You will.

Some is funny, but most is absolutely unbelievable that leaves me shaking my head wondering "What were they thinking?" only to realize the answer is "They weren't thinking."

An example from the parking lot:
Padiddle? | People of Walmart

Yes, flashlights as headlights. Uh-huh.

The Camouflage New Beetle:

That's one site you might want to take by category. Start with Vehicles:
Vehicles | People of Walmart

Unfortunately there are some categories that should only be imagined...

I'll leave it up to you as to which ones they are.

TaffetaWhite 09-21-2009 05:03 PM

Personal ads, some of the best come from the London Review of Books. Here's a couple:

All humans are 99.9% genetically identical, so don't even think of ending any potential relationship begun here with 'I just don't think we have enough in common'. Science has long since proven that I am the man for you (41, likes to be referred to as 'Wing Commander' in the bedroom). Box no. 3501.

You're a brunette, 6', long legs, 25-30, intelligent, articulate and drop dead gorgeous. I, on the other hand, have the looks of Herve Villechaize and an odour of wheat. No returns and no refunds at box no. 3321.

God appeared to me in a dream last night and spoke your name in my ear. He gave me the winning lottery numbers, too, though, so you can understand where my priorities lay when I raced to grab a notebook and pen. Man, 37, living on hope and the next seven weeks' bonus balls seeks woman whose first name begins with S, or maybe F, and rhymes with chicken, and has a surname that's either a place in Shropshire or the title of a 1979 Earth, Wind and Fire track. Shicken Boogiewonderland, I know you're reading this. Write now to box no. 5729.

Guide to dating: The classified ads of the London Review of Books | Life and style | The Guardian

Of course there's a book, someone pulled together the best of the best to make money off lonely hearts or tongue-in-cheek teasers. Bully, bully for them!
They Call Me Naughty Lola: The London Review of Books Personal Ads: A Reader: The "London Review of Books" Personal Ads - A Reader: David Rose: Books

TaffetaWhite 09-21-2009 09:07 PM

I guess this stuff isn't at all funny to anyone else but me?

Ah well.

Here's a favorite, check out The Gobbler and Gallery of Regrettable Food.
LILEKS (James) :: Institute of Official Cheer

You young 'uns be sure to revel in the fashions that may have been worn by your parents in the early seventies, Sears 1973.

I had pants similar to the ones on the right, but they were red and white, seersucker.
LILEKS (James) :: Institute :: Sears 1973

Like this red/white:
Seersucker Jones : On the Daily

Don't be laughing so much, fellas, here's YOUR outfit:
LILEKS (James) :: Institute :: Sears 1973

It gets stuck on page 12, showing the next page as page 12 too. You'll have to manually change the 2 to 3 in the address bar of your browser for more unsightly clothes and other can't-live-without seventies style.

TaffetaWhite 09-22-2009 04:53 AM

How about Office Pranks and Cubicle Craziness?

Part one:
Dark Roasted Blend: Top Office Pranks, Part 1

Part two:
Dark Roasted Blend: Top Office Pranks, Part 2

The Cheetos Office?
Ultimate Cheetos Prank - a set on Flickr

And video:
Cheetos Office | SPIKE

You'll notice the recipient isn't too pleased. His laptop is in there...somewhere.

TaffetaWhite 09-22-2009 05:31 PM

Novelty products you don't need:
Fred's Home

Who wouldn't appreciate a CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS scarf?

FitnessJay 10-02-2009 03:15 PM

love this stuff man its funny!

TaffetaWhite 10-03-2009 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by FitnessJay (Post 757239)
love this stuff man its funny!

You and I must be the only ones.

There is comedy gold all over the Internet. And this is a fine nugget!

Here, enjoy this splendid blog on "Playground Fun".

Playground Fun | Article

The beginning...

So while the winter months drag on, I was thinking back to all the fun I had this summer with my son at playgrounds. Whether at a park or school, recess or family reunions, playgrounds were a big part of my childhood.
One thing I immediately noticed was that all of the playgrounds I could find were drastically smaller and made of plastic. Times have certainly changed. Playgrounds may now be safer but in my opinion they are not nearly as fun.
weren't the small plastic ones reserved for play lands in fast food joints, when did they make it to the parks?
Look at the second one doesn't that just shout adventure and don't you want to just go exploring? The first one you could do everything in about 2 minutes and be bored stiff there is nothing to stimulate the imagination. Safer? Well maybe but in my day if somebody didn't get a concussion, bloody lip or nose you were not playing hard enough.

Oh, yes, of course there are pictures!!! :wavey:

TaffetaWhite 10-03-2009 06:15 AM

101 Ways to Annoy People.

A few favorites:

Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing awkward silences with the impression that you'll be saying more any moment.
Sing the Batman theme incessantly.
At the laundromat, use one dryer for each of your socks.
Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.

101 Ways to Annoy People - funny jokes, pictures, videos

TaffetaWhite 10-03-2009 06:33 AM

Cardrona Bra Fence of New Zealand:

The Cardrona Bra Fence of New Zealand | Amusing Planet

"Although some locals welcomed the fence, others viewed it as an eyesore and embarrassment and also as a potential hazard to drivers using the road"

Potential hazard? From a flimsy undergarment? In what way?

TaffetaWhite 10-04-2009 07:59 PM

Funny, and absolutely disgusting. This guy will eat most anything. There is food on the market, quite possibly in your own neighborhood grocery store, that just should not be eaten. It's revolting.

Nevertheless, this guy makes it hilarious. Do NOT view if you get slightly queasy. Because some of the items just do NOT. LOOK. RIGHT.

Here's some text to give you an idea of what you are in for...

Okay, here we go-- Pulling back the lid (not recommended) lets loose an odor that punches you in the nose like a stinky fist. If you've ever smelled a can of dog food, it's just like that. Only imagine you are opening the can while your head is wedged in a horse's ass.
Inside is a smooth, oddly pink meat paste. So smooth, in fact, I dare call it "creamy." (I actually got a little gaggy just typing that.) Surprisingly, it was a little spicier than I expected. Although, that sensation may have been a by-product of my tastebuds dying.

The Sneeze - Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions.

Guaranteed to make you laugh or puke. Possibly at the same time.

TaffetaWhite 10-08-2009 10:12 PM

Candles...for men...

Original Man Candle - Candles Made Just for Men


the mandle, man candle, candles for men, MANdle


Mandle Company - Candles for Men

TaffetaWhite 10-12-2009 10:51 PM

Action Figures
Obama, with a few non-standard extras:
Better Living through Chemistry Obama Action Figure

What kid doesn't want their very own Librarian Action Figure:
(gotta see it to believe it, and it's offered through the Library of Congress shop):
The Library of Congress Shop > Children's Corner > Action Figures > Deluxe Librarian Action Figure

How about a little Freud?
Sigmund Freud Action Figure [10884] - $8.49 : Retro Toys, Toys inspired by the past

DEVO, one body, five heads, that's not very fun: Devo Action Figure w/ Interchangable Heads: Toys & Games

TaffetaWhite 10-14-2009 09:46 AM

Google cam on a mission
Nothing gets in the way of the Google street view cam!

Not barricades:
Google Van runs over street barricade | StreetViewFun

Not red lights:
Google runs a red light | StreetViewFun

It's because the vehicle is invisible:
Street view driver | StreetViewFun

TaffetaWhite 10-14-2009 07:26 PM

Runner disqualified for using iPod
Apparently, using an iPod might give you an advantage over other runners:

October 11, 2009 4:52 PM PDT
Marathon winner disqualified for wearing iPod

by Chris Matyszczyk
I have no idea why people run marathons.
It seems a peculiar act of masochism in which people actually die. (As evidence, might I point to two deaths in the recent San Jose, Calif., half-marathon.)
But many humans seem to enjoy the pain and the sense of achievement they feel when they finally get wrapped up in BacoFoil like a Sunday chicken.
So why should they be prevented from humming along to a little Jo Jo Gunne or being soothed by a lecture from Dr. Sanjay Gupta along the way?
I only ask because in the recent and extremely celebrated Lakefront Marathon in Milwaukee, Jennifer Goebel was disqualified from her rightful position of winner.
According to the Journal-Sentinel, Goebel was garlanded with victory only after Cassie Peller, who actually ran the fastest, was erased from the podium because she accepted liquid from someone who was not manning an official watering station. Which does seem to be on the wrong side of fastidious.
Goebel was then declared to have won. But her afterglow of superiority only lasted a couple of days.
Some no doubt anally mean-spirited individual examined a photo of Goebel taken during the race and noticed an iPod discreetly tucked into her shorts. Is it safe to run 26 miles and listen to this man?
(Credit: CC Exquisitur/Flickr)
Goebel, a massage therapist in real life, was competing in the elite part of the marathon and these highly tuned women are subject to the whims of the USA Track and Field bureaucracy.
These waxy eared folks frown on the use of iPods while sweating. Well, at least I think they do. It appears that the rule was changed not so long ago to allow race directors the discretion to ignore the rule if they so choose.
Goebel is, understandably, somewhat miffed.
"I wasn't listening to it earlier in the race," she told the Journal-Sentinel. "I wasn't going to put the music on unless I thought I needed it."
And of course she needed it. Running a marathon is the athletic equivalent of knitting a wedding marquee.
As Goebel herself so eloquently put it: "If you're bored, it pumps you up a little bit. Sometimes, on a long training run, I'll bring it along for the last half hour. When I run marathons sometimes I carry it and never put it on."
She only listened between miles 19 and 21, which--if you ask most runners--is the time that you are ready to eat raw elk and physically assault a mail box.
Anyone who believes it will improve their life to don a pair of New Balance and run until their knees squeak like wounded varmints should not be subjected to silly little rules. They should be allowed to eat, drink and listen to whatever gets them to the other end of the experience.
Although perhaps there should be a no Kenny G rule? For safety's sake, you understand. Chris Matyszczyk is an award-winning creative director who advises major corporations on content creation and marketing. He brings an irreverent, sarcastic, and sometimes ironic voice to the tech world. He is a member of the CNET Blog Network and is not an employee of CNET.

Source: Marathon winner disqualified for wearing iPod | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

Check out Chris' other blogs here, good stuff:
Chris Matyszczyk's Member Profile

TaffetaWhite 10-15-2009 07:53 AM

Worst Halloween Costumes Ever
Fabulous overview of the worst prepackaged kid's costumes:
retro CRUSH: The World's Greatest Pop Culture Site retro retro retro

What do people REALLY wear?

Let's start with babies and youngsters...

I suppose my expression might be similar if I was a baby and an alien just popped out of my bloodied chest:
Best/Worst Halloween Costume? Smiling Mom

Toddler, Hitler, non-spilling cup. One of these things is not like the others...

Is it ever a good idea to dress your child as a terrorist? (scroll down)
HalloweenCostumes - Miss Cellania -

When choosing a costume, be sure it at least is understandable...'s Halloween Grab Bag - What Your Halloween Costume Choice Says About You!

And what's with dressing up like food?

I guess you should have pepperoni available for this kid:
funny because it's true: Worst. Halloween Costume. Ever.

And these guys? Just chuck anything from the back of the fridge into their trick or treat bag, like that salad dressing from two years ago, they're asking for it:
Bloggin' with Mr. Cooper: Worst Halloween Costume Ever? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

This is so wrong. Tigger top, Spiderman pouch, creepy grabby hands, wretched grin, and a children's poster behind him. Perv alert!

Neither you, nor your children, should dress as a toilet:
Best and Worst Halloween Costumes in San Luis Obispo

Or the Burger King:
Stephanie Fierman - Marketing Mojo

Or Dr. Phil:

Defend your cubicle from the security guards trying to escort you out of the office after being fired for wearing something just a tad inappropriate:
Weird Asia Halloween Costumes

This looks just like the Death Star, yup, if it was halved, and had grubby jeans and absolutely filthy sneakers, and a head... It might have been successful too, if it didn't require undressing completely to get through the door. Or if pranksters didn't roll the poor dude down the hill:

Whatever you choose, use the above links as subtle reminders that a poorly chosen costume could haunt you for the rest of your life. :rotfl:

TaffetaWhite 10-15-2009 10:55 PM

Soup Keyboard

Edit add-on. Back, using another keyboard. I think the other one is a lost cause. Not just because I think I broke the little parts under the letter "G", but because it smells like meaty soup.

If the keyboard smells like meaty soup now, I'm wondering how it might smell in a few days.

TaffetaWhite 10-20-2009 10:01 PM

Halloween Movies
Happy Halloween

Yes, they have Charlie Brown and The Simpsons Halloween episodes. Some very old, very classic movies. Some vintage Vincent Price.

Various spooky (hilarious) ghost shows that seem to be mostly extended versions of what most of us did as kids. All you need is the dark, a flashlight, and someone to say "What was that?".

Movies that you've never heard of, like Frankenstein's Daughter.

Oh, those plots:

Sandra Knight portrays Trudy Morton, Dr. Morton's teenage niece. John Ashley is her good guy boyfriend, Johnny. To make a long story short, Oliver creates a woman monster using the head of Trudy's va va voom friend Suzy (played by 1957 Playmate of the Year, Sally Todd) who was killed by Oliver in a jealous rage, and various other body parts, mostly male. The resulting monster with a female head, all be it butt ugly, and male body is hilarious to say the least. There is also a side story where Oliver is drugging Trudy with a drug that turns her into a monster because she won't play hide the salami with him. The monster make up on both monsters is not scary, but laughable.

Review from:
Frankenstein&#x27;s Daughter (1958)

Grab some popcorn:
Watch Frankenstein's Daughter Online | Streaming Full Length Movie | Video Clips | Fancast

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