General Fit Talk General Discussion on the Honda Fit/Jazz.
View Poll Results: What's your average life long fuel economy on your AT fit ??
30-32 MPG
-cLynch-, abelardo, acampanaro, amco818, angus, Arashi, AZ_HondaFamily, beachman, bestfit, big Fit, billmus86, blackfity, blanka98, brawler 22, buckswife, buckyfit, Burzpaw, CaShawn, charlottefit, Chawee, cheffyjay, cjg, Codi, CopperPenny, ctitanic, damatick, dasboot, DA_BOM_FIT, dbmcd, dctucker, dennnis, dgff, Diverger, dkx5, dman77fb, Dogsrule, Drulle, dtmbmw325i, DualCamVTEC, Earth Man, Edison Carasio, eng324, epin, EXACTA, feared, FILFIT, fitchet, FitFerDoody, Fitguy07, FitNoobee, FITOwner, FitSquared, frank438, Fray Adjacent, FWFit, girkabob, gkitf16, GO KART, godai, Gosicksee, greanlyte, gshipley_nc, Guyverwing, hal9000, HanhALuLu, herbie, Hizzie, HondaFreak05, houston1, i like guitars, I<3GD3, ikutoisahobo, IVIaster, jacksan1, jasbury, jdlopez, JDM_DOHC_SiR, jdzz, Jessh, jgc731, JingJangJoe, jjjjs-co, jndittmar, John99GSX, johnoshea, jokopr, jondotcom, kevbluedog, kgustaf, Kwonye, lee holder, leehom, light1mj, lil_vinh, little bastard, littleblackcar, Logans07Fitty, lopi, LoveMyHonda, lubricus, Marekv, matt4.2, MIAMIFIT, MINI-Fit, MNfit, MrDarcy, nascartrash, NaTuReB0Y, Ne_Dan, nightHawk2008, njrod, nolandm, NorthtownsMike, novarod, okey0, p3purr, Pacedog, Papo, phillystax, Piscator, pmnoy, primegimik, psmo290, psuap, ptursic, purplehaze, quiksilverz, Rain1, redhorse25, rekcah, rhodayoder, rla217@, Rob22315, RobVT, rocksnap, Ro_Ja Boy, Sagittarius30, Santiad, scraggles, Shaggs2Dope, shegetstodriveit, slq5150, spike55_bmw, SpoonFedEP3, spreadhead, Squirrely, SS RICH, SteadyMethodz, Steeldog, Stupendous, surfyak, thedeadpoet000, thefit09, theloxmyth, Tofuman, ToyotaFIT, ToyotaLover, vsmhatched, WheelFit, Wiggles, WineO, WoolSocks, WWLI, zakurie, zilla8, _dhan_, _Mike_
33-35 MPG
0021, 08fithappy, 10fittingly, 1coolride, 5thstreet, 91gst, adh, aliencowboy, anita354, azncarbos, aZnCdn, BAF, BANNER2054, barisaxfreak, benedictARNOLD, biscuitninja, Biven5, biwerw, bkrell, BLACKTHUNDER, BONES76, Breezer, burrito, c32andy, C7M5, campcrew, capecodinsomniac, CharlieAParker, ChrisN, cndfit, Codger01, comptrekkie, Connor MacInnis, Coppatop85, cranky18, CrookinFit, dannydonqui, DoktorDreem, doodlbugr, dumluk2002, Dwalbert320, efpopick, eldaino, ewdysar, Ex-MA Hole, FIT-tles Worth, fitastic, fitinit07, FITMugen, FiTnatra, fitofrage, FitPilot84, fitpizza, FittyFitterson, flip619, funky5, futhamucka, gametom, gaurav33, GBjaynu, GE82010, get_FIT, gizmodog, glens67, goghcart, Goincoastal, GVlog, hans471, HaveaFit!, hazzard, hoff57, Imprez25, irurfit, jackmp32010, Jaseun, JCLW, Jeff Steiner, jetblackstrat, jh1285, jhfish, jinjinweiwei, jookybanana, jrw588, JustinM, J_L, KenZ, kevjandon, kidari, KingZ, kitesurfer2, Kixy, Klasse Act, KnifeEdge_2K1, kostby, krakhed, kupono64, kusojiji, KweenJD, LandscapeArchitect, larryfuturefit, lazarus21, Lisa_marie23, lupafollower, M3driver, macbuddy, mack, macsan2701, manxman, marrhern, MARVIN, mav238, mholmes85, mifit, MikePDaTruth, miltondelug, Mixedwun, mog555, moorefitloving, Morgan Yarbrough, moxiegirlRD, mozarwasagenius, mremansam, mvargo1, mxl180, myblackhatch, My_Little_Toaster, Nano, ngramly, nightHolds, NoMoreM3, NSC858, nsx280ps, Nukedog, pastafarian, Paulo107, personalfitness, Phil Monat, PilotSi, pinballlooking, pip_rocks, praetorian24, pratik5705, psychedaboutcars, purple2orange, pyritimus, R..F..G, racerman50, red600, rhyneba, rootsayia, runner, rupaknath, Rygrego, S Brake, Sai, ScottS, secondspassed, seeremlive, Shadow6453, shave35, SheepNutz, SHG_Chiquita, sixth, somdamon, sonorliteman, spektrum, Steve244, stlfit, sumo, Syco54645, t1mmmy, talkbox, tanstaafl., tdesi420, TekXoID, tony123, Tounge73, Trogdor!, TrungLam, uberjason, Vanct, Varaxis, vtecfit1, Wafulz, whitert, WildBill2, Wufei
Voters: 690.

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