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must see pic of speedometer...going fast

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Old 05-02-2006, 02:36 AM
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Originally Posted by jpmccormac
You just voided your warranty.

Thank you!

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what are gonna do rat me out...BTW i dont have the warranty just good friends with brains smarty pants
Old 05-02-2006, 02:50 AM
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Don't worry. He's just not thinking. You can't void your warranty by going over 100mph.
Old 05-02-2006, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Paulo107
dont tell me you have never used your cell phone in the car b4 dont go saying things that you yourself dont know what road i was on and you dont know if i was endangering the lives of others...i drive safe and its guys like you i watch for...i know when to hit it
Yeah, and I stopped once I realized I was putting myself and others in danger. Try again. I don't care when or where you did it, you're still an idiot just lucky enough to tell the tale. I expect to see you in the next edition of the Darwin Awards.
Old 05-02-2006, 09:35 AM
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is that the max 115?? damn thats wack then cuz I use to do that all the time with my DC5
Old 05-02-2006, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by p2filz
P.S. ferraris, beamers, mercedes, lambos, and all exotic cars also including porche SUCK, their built super crappy, and cost WAY too much to maintain. just get an SC430!
1. A SC430 isn't a sports car and hardly an exotic.

2. Looks like jealously has stuck again and has led to another ignorant statement.
Old 05-02-2006, 12:40 PM
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the only thing i can see "dangerous" is if you speed by TRAFFIC. i dont see any problem if you are on the opposite lane of flowing traffic, i am certain almost all of them have been blown by-by a faster car before, you swear they are going to panic and cause an accident somehow. Besides, each to thier own, if you dont have the guts to go fast, thats just you. A lot of people speed, dont blame us for something we did when millions of others speed. The limit is 65 yet everyone always goes like 75-80 mph. Technically almost everyone on the highway speeds, so why are you blaming only us?..
Old 05-02-2006, 02:48 PM
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You guys are still going on about speeding wrong eh?
Personally, i go the speed limit and rarely ever speed on public roads. On the track is where i have my fun, and just driving fast doesn't cut it for me. (drag) Autocross is where its at. However, just because i don't speed, doesn't mean i'm going to put this guy down for doing it in his Fit. Yes, it can be dangerous, and yes no matter where you do it at there is a risk level of hurting yourself by numerous situations. But thats his call and its his car.

As long as he isn't one of these guys that weaves through traffic going 20mph+ faster than everyone else, just because he bought the new nfsu2 game and beat it.. I have nothing to say. Because there is a difference between driving fast on public roads, and being a retard behind the wheel. If he wants to drive fast, so be it but atleast he appears to have common sense with that. Which is the biggest thing.

My point is, anyone arguing about how he is going to kill someone, or needs to stop should just stop. Its not your car, and to be honest say you change his mind. Say he goes the speed limit for now on. You'd still have that one million other people not on this forum to worry about, that probably drive much more reckless than he does.
Old 05-02-2006, 03:16 PM
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*gets popcorn* omg a flamez0r
Old 05-02-2006, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by xbowner
...But thats his call and its his car.
True...but he isn't just endangering himself, he's putting the other drivers around him at risk, no matter how "in control" he thinks he is. Unfortunately, if, or when, he ever loses control of a situation like that, he won't be the only one hurt.
Old 05-02-2006, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by plus_c
Yeah, and I stopped once I realized I was putting myself and others in danger. Try again. I don't care when or where you did it, you're still an idiot just lucky enough to tell the tale. I expect to see you in the next edition of the Darwin Awards.
obviously you have no life to insult me on the internet so i will leave this at that...i will keep driving fast and if i die then i guess it was just my cant escape that...sounds like to me you are one those ignorant types that just judge people that do things that you dont have the balls to do...dont waste your time on me anymore bro
Old 05-02-2006, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Squid
True...but he isn't just endangering himself, he's putting the other drivers around him at risk, no matter how "in control" he thinks he is. Unfortunately, if, or when, he ever loses control of a situation like that, he won't be the only one hurt.
I agree 100%, however arguing with someone about it that loves the thrill of speed is useless. Its all subjective to opinions. As long as he isn't obviously endangering himself and others by weaving through traffic, as i stated above, i really don't care. Because if common sense follows, he will do it in the safest environment as possible. Which appears to be the case, of course i don't know him personally so i can't say for sure, but the way he talks i'd imagine he does use first judgement prior to just flooring it and seeing what happens.

With the phone thing, i'd rather have someone on a phone beside me than shaving. I've seen all kinds of stuff on the road and talking on the phone is the least of my concern. I do it as well, and i have found myself just as alert on the phone than i am off. Of course, it is speaker phone and i usually get off if traffic gets heavy but still. Thats the way i do things, but does that mean i'm the only one right? No, it just means thats my safty zone when i'm in the car and i choose not to push the line. Not on public roads anyway.

He said so himself, he doesn't do it when theres heavy traffic nor when people are able to jump out in front of him on a second notice. Yes, its still risky, but its safer than doing it in heavy traffic and where people can easily cut him off while hes going in excess of 90mph. It could be much, much worse.

Aside from all of this stated above, this thread wasn't even designed to ask "Driving 115mph, safe or dangerous..You decide!" Its just him sharing what the Fit can do in i assume stock form, nothing less nothing more. Where he did it isn't subjective here. So i say relax guy.
Old 05-02-2006, 04:40 PM
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what he said ^^^^
Old 05-02-2006, 05:48 PM
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Everyone speeds. Fine, maybe with the exception of those in the 75+ year old crowd, but everyone else speeds. The only speed limit I obey is 15MPH school zones. Those that claim that they do not speed are liars becuase you do and you know it.

110 MPH isn't fast but impressive for a slow car like the Fit. I wonder how long did it take it get up to 110 MPH?

Now while I am not advocating that everyone should drive 100+ MPH, I think that speeding limits in general suck. Its too slow for modern cars. I wish that speed limits be raised but we all know speeding violations are like free money for local governments so that won't happen anytime soon.

IMO speeding doesn't kill, its the slow ass drivers in the far left lane who refuses to move over to the right lane that kills.
Old 05-02-2006, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by mav
Everyone speeds. Fine, maybe with the exception of those in the 75+ year old crowd, but everyone else speeds. The only speed limit I obey is 15MPH school zones. Those that claim that they do not speed are liars becuase you do and you know it.

110 MPH isn't fast but impressive for a slow car like the Fit. I wonder how long did it take it get up to 110 MPH?

Now while I am not advocating that everyone should drive 100+ MPH, I think that speeding limits in general suck. Its too slow for modern cars. I wish that speed limits be raised but we all know speeding violations are like free money for local governments so that won't happen anytime soon.

IMO speeding doesn't kill, its the slow ass drivers in the far left lane who refuses to move over to the right lane that kills.
I'm 20 years old, and i do not speed. Are you calling me a liar because you speed? The only time i do speed is when i travel and its only 5mph over, yes this is still declaired as speeding but other than that i always drive posted limit if traffic permits.

Also, your right speeding doesn't kill. However, speeding does kill if everyone else isn't driving the same pace you are. Just like if everyone is driving 70mph and someone is driving 20mph, yes, the slow driver is just as dangerous as a fast driver if its during heavy traffic for instance. But, if everyone drove 90mph and the speed limit was 70mph, then yes, speed doesn't kill.

The things you must consider when you make a bold statement like yours is the following:
1. U.S roads are not made for high speed travel, they are very bumpy in some cases, and can have unexpected pot holes. Hazard's at high speed driving.
2. The average U.S driver is rated world wide a below average driver, high speed driving is the last thing a driver should do if he or she falls within the general public's "driving record."
3. Interstates/major highways are one, in no condition for high speed in most cases, but not to mention around corners and turns are not banked for such driving. Its not the autobahn, huge differences with design and function.

Last but not least, modern cars are faster. Totally agree'd, and can handle more punishment than cars even back 10 years ago. But, as i've stated before, the general public in the united states suck at driving. In conclusion to this bold, but true statement, the average driver would either A. Not be able to control their car at high speed, B. Car's such as the Geo metro would potentially be a death trap at those speeds, C. Even if speed limit was raised, people would want it faster due to the "getting used to" speed limit excuse.

If speed limit was raised to 90mph on an interstate, in order to make it safe they would have to do the following:
A. Yearly driving licence testing, and eye testing.
B. Level's of DL's depending upon car being driven
C. More lanes, 4-5 lanes per side, far right lane used specifically for cars unfit, and declaired unsafe for driving at xx/xxx speeds.
D. Stiffer penalities and fines for cars tailgating, or driving even 3-5mph over.

And thats just a start, not to mention a total reconstruction of that highway in order to full-fill a safe driving experience. Of course, i'd have zero problems with this. Infact, i believe part of what i said above should be a given. A ton of people i see driving daily shouldn't be on the road at all.

Sorry this was so long, just wanted to make a point.
Old 05-03-2006, 06:01 AM
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Originally Posted by xbowner
I'm 20 years old, and i do not speed. Are you calling me a liar because you speed? The only time i do speed is when i travel and its only 5mph over, yes this is still declaired as speeding but other than that i always drive posted limit if traffic permits.

Also, your right speeding doesn't kill. However, speeding does kill if everyone else isn't driving the same pace you are. Just like if everyone is driving 70mph and someone is driving 20mph, yes, the slow driver is just as dangerous as a fast driver if its during heavy traffic for instance. But, if everyone drove 90mph and the speed limit was 70mph, then yes, speed doesn't kill.

The things you must consider when you make a bold statement like yours is the following:
1. U.S roads are not made for high speed travel, they are very bumpy in some cases, and can have unexpected pot holes. Hazard's at high speed driving.
2. The average U.S driver is rated world wide a below average driver, high speed driving is the last thing a driver should do if he or she falls within the general public's "driving record."
3. Interstates/major highways are one, in no condition for high speed in most cases, but not to mention around corners and turns are not banked for such driving. Its not the autobahn, huge differences with design and function.

Last but not least, modern cars are faster. Totally agree'd, and can handle more punishment than cars even back 10 years ago. But, as i've stated before, the general public in the united states suck at driving. In conclusion to this bold, but true statement, the average driver would either A. Not be able to control their car at high speed, B. Car's such as the Geo metro would potentially be a death trap at those speeds, C. Even if speed limit was raised, people would want it faster due to the "getting used to" speed limit excuse.

If speed limit was raised to 90mph on an interstate, in order to make it safe they would have to do the following:
A. Yearly driving licence testing, and eye testing.
B. Level's of DL's depending upon car being driven
C. More lanes, 4-5 lanes per side, far right lane used specifically for cars unfit, and declaired unsafe for driving at xx/xxx speeds.
D. Stiffer penalities and fines for cars tailgating, or driving even 3-5mph over.

And thats just a start, not to mention a total reconstruction of that highway in order to full-fill a safe driving experience. Of course, i'd have zero problems with this. Infact, i believe part of what i said above should be a given. A ton of people i see driving daily shouldn't be on the road at all.

Sorry this was so long, just wanted to make a point.
Liar. You just said that you do not speed, which is BS, then turn around and contradict yourself by saying you do in the same breathe.

Most people in major cities drive 10 to 20 MPH over the posted speed limit. And your example isn't realistic as 99.9% of the driving public would not do 70 MPH in a 20.

To counter your points...

1. Modern highways in CA and FL aren't that bad. I can't speak for any other area though. I'm not talking about doing 110+ MPH constantly but 10 to 20 over, which is fine.
2. Driving record does not neccessarily equal driving ability.
3. 80 MPH is fine for modern highway design.
4. Well call me an optimist but I think most Americans can handle going 80MPH.

Last edited by mav; 05-03-2006 at 12:42 PM.
Old 05-03-2006, 12:37 PM
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Speeding is illegal. Period. By doing so he chose to break the law and put himself (and possibly others) at risk. It was wrong to do and he knows it was wrong to do. That said, it was his choice and he did it. Fortunately nothing went wrong and no one wiped. I don't see what there is to debate. If you don't like the idea that he took his car up to 115MPH, don't do it yourself or don't ride with him. I personally think it was a pretty foolish thing to do (even late at night on an empty road - Just too many variables), but it's his car, his license, and his life. You can argue from the standpoint of endangering others, but it really does come down to his choice to do so. (short of forcefully restraining him from doing so)

Then again... You know we could always lobby to get speed limiters added to all public cars to ensure they don't ever exceed 75 M.P.H. I'm sure those of you who are worked up over the speeding would agree that there is no reason to produce cars that have the capability to reach these speeds since we should never even come close to reaching them.
Old 05-03-2006, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Tech_Monkey
Speeding is illegal. Period. By doing so he chose to break the law and put himself (and possibly others) at risk. It was wrong to do and he knows it was wrong to do. That said, it was his choice and he did it. Fortunately nothing went wrong and no one wiped. I don't see what there is to debate. If you don't like the idea that he took his car up to 115MPH, don't do it yourself or don't ride with him. I personally think it was a pretty foolish thing to do (even late at night on an empty road - Just too many variables), but it's his car, his license, and his life. You can argue from the standpoint of endangering others, but it really does come down to his choice to do so. (short of forcefully restraining him from doing so)

Then again... You know we could always lobby to get speed limiters added to all public cars to ensure they don't ever exceed 75 M.P.H. I'm sure those of you who are worked up over the speeding would agree that there is no reason to produce cars that have the capability to reach these speeds since we should never even come close to reaching them.
So is doing a number of other stupid things such as not completely stopping TWICE at each stop sign or downloading MP3's from peer-to-peer file sharing services. I bet all of us are quilty of these, including myself. But on the grand scale of illegal activities one can perform, speeding is on the lowest low of the spectrum. I would whether have cops do real cop work, like investigating real crimes and arresting real criminals.

If there was ever a US law that restricts speeds of cars to just 75MPH, I'm moving to Europe.

I thought this forum is for car enthusiasts, not a bunch of holier than thou goodie goodie tree huggers.

Last edited by mav; 05-03-2006 at 12:57 PM.
Old 05-03-2006, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by mav

If there was ever a US law that restricts speeds of cars to just 75MPH, I'm moving to Europe.

I thought this forum is for car enthusiasts, not a bunch of holier than thou goodie goodie tree huggers.
Psst... Notice the "" at the end. Then again, I have hugged a few trees in my time.
Old 05-03-2006, 01:24 PM
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The important thing is, how quickly can you stop from that speed to avoid the unexpected. Something tells me the Fit brakes are not up to the task.
Old 05-03-2006, 06:30 PM
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Alright lets see one at 5th gear and redline... lol

Quick Reply: must see pic of speedometer...going fast

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