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Anti-cruelity to animals ad here

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Old 11-21-2010, 09:36 AM
Klasse Act's Avatar
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Exclamation Anti-cruelity to animals ad here

I know these car forums aren't cheap to run and you've gotta get sponsorships from anyone decent and what these guys do is a noble cause, I just can't stand to see the pics I'm certainly no bleeding heart liberal, completely opposite of that, but I wish we could have this ad and not the pics.

That being said, I saw someone with a bumper sticker on their car that said "Lose your cat, look under my tires!" At that point I went home and cleaned out the car litter box, placed the poop in a grocery plastic bad and went back and threw on the windshield of the car. Yeah, I'm a cat person for sure and its always cats that get this unwanted attention, not saying anything should happen to dogs, birds or fish or any other pets, but I never understood why cats always are so hated.

What do you guys think
Old 11-25-2010, 08:50 PM
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WOW! No comment so far, 70 views too, hmmm.
Old 11-25-2010, 10:19 PM
sooznd's Avatar
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I am an animal lover and dislike any reference to hurting animals of any kind--well, except maybe wasps or roaches...

I have owned both dogs and cats- currently have 2 elderly cats one is almost 20 years old. I also believe in karma--so if someone is cruel to animals in this life, something will surely bite them in the next.
Old 11-26-2010, 12:35 AM
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I'll give you props.

However, I doubt what you did had any effect on that person.

my cat:
Old 11-26-2010, 01:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Klasse Act
WOW! No comment so far, 70 views too, hmmm.
Its not that they dont comment but when you have a few dogs and get their shots and be responsible and your neighbor has 18 cats living out side and multiplying every few months with no shots and the city says they cant do nothing about it but charge you 35 dollars each cat to get rid of them I dont feel anything about adaption of animals even though my dog rescued me.
Old 11-26-2010, 04:46 AM
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cats are misunderstood because they're not dogs. some people like dogs and expect all pets to be like dogs. cats are just different and the difference people tend to be afraid of and call it evil. hence these clueless youtube comments that say cats are evil or some bullshit.
Old 11-26-2010, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by blassty
cats are misunderstood because they're not dogs. some people like dogs and expect all pets to be like dogs. cats are just different and the difference people tend to be afraid of and call it evil. hence these clueless youtube comments that say cats are evil or some bullshit.
I dont hate cats but I hate the people that are not responsible and thinks its OK to leave cats outside in the winter and feed them but dont care enough to get them fixed and get there shots. Dogs too but they dont multiply as fast.
Old 11-26-2010, 12:34 PM
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You vandalized somebody's car over a bumper sticker? More to the point, someone had a bumper sticker reminding cat owners that if they let their cats outdoors to wander in the streets, they're likely to be injured, and you vandalize his car?

WTF is wrong with you? Maybe I've been away from flyover-America too long, but silly me, I thought that dumping feces on another persons property because something they said or wrote hurt your feelings was not acceptible behavior. Does anyone want to explain to me how this is not a criminal act?
Old 11-26-2010, 12:53 PM
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I'm such a sap that I get all choked-up when the TV ads for prevention of cruelty to animals come on. I really want to turn the TV off, but always seem to leave it on - seemingly just to torture myself. Even though I'm 46, the only pet I ever had (that was mine, not my mothers or one of my handful of ex-girlfriends) was a stray cat I rescued about 10yrs ago.

It was on the first day after 4 days of solid rain & very heavy thunderstorms that I found her laying up against the outer wall of the office building I worked in. She didn't acknowledge my presence or react when I picked her up, just went completely limp. I got a co-worker to drive us to the vet (I only had an old BMW motorbike at the time) and paid for the checkup and shots. The vet said it looked like she had never been outside until very recently. The area where I worked was nothing but businesses with major high-speed roadways on either side, so she had obviously had no idea where she was.

She was nicknamed "Stormy" and was a very sweet cat but not very friendly, which I understood given the trauma she had been through. She would occasionally come to me and get in my lap when I was reading or watching TV, but she hated being picked up. On cold nights she would only lay up against my outstreched arm, never any closer. Everything needed to be on her terms, and I developed a respect for that.

After 9 years, I was away at a girlfriends house overnight when a fire went through my complex, destroying 48 units. My brother had called me early the next morning after he saw it on the news - and I drove over there like a maniac. The fire marshal allowed me in for 5 minutes to grab what I could (he was worried because of structural damage) and when I stepped into my bedroom she was laying at the foot of my bed on her side. She had died from smoke inhalation.

First time in our 4 year relationship that my girlfriend ever saw me cry.
Old 11-26-2010, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Occam
You vandalized somebody's car over a bumper sticker? More to the point, someone had a bumper sticker reminding cat owners that if they let their cats outdoors to wander in the streets, they're likely to be injured, and you vandalize his car?

WTF is wrong with you? Maybe I've been away from flyover-America too long, but silly me, I thought that dumping feces on another persons property because something they said or wrote hurt your feelings was not acceptible behavior. Does anyone want to explain to me how this is not a criminal act?
I must be missing something. I had a cat from a shelter but return it because it was too wild, it was a outdoor cat. I have a few dogs and both are fixed and got the one from the shelter and is the coolest dog. She rescued me. My point is there are more cats then humans and some people worry more about a cat than there family. Cats can survive out side and are clever but when they are feed the multiply like rabbits and only adds to the problem.
Old 11-26-2010, 03:12 PM
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I love dogs, too - but if I got one, it's going to be left all alone all day in a one-bedroom apartment. I'd be worried that it'd chew on the ungodly amount of PC, HDTV, and home recording studio cables that are there. Also, I wouldn't want it barking/howling/whining while I was gone. When I retire - I will get a dog, because I grew up with them in my home - but of course my mother was there most of the time if the rest of us weren't, and they were well behaved because of it. Cats are generally much better about being left alone, even in tiny apartments.

When I was young, our pets never were let loose to roam the neighborhood. Either in the fenced backyard, or inside - that was it. My own cat never left my apartment in 9 yrs. Never even tried to escape if the door was open for a while. It's just personal responsibility to keep them away from other people, their property, or being run over.

I myself would never react so strongly to a bumper sticker. There's jerks everywhere. No sense making it personal!
Old 11-27-2010, 12:06 PM
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The "lose your cat, look under my tires" bumper sticker isn't about caring that you left your cat outside, trust me, its about hating on them and wanting to kill em', trust me, they're usually on a pickup truck (nuff said) but not in this particular case, it was a Sunbird.

As far as a criminal act, well, I put the feces in a grocery bag and then threw it on the windshield. Wanna prosecute me....come on by, I'm originally from Detroit and now live in Chicago.

I don't hate dogs, but they are dirty when they go outside and then stink, not to mention they're not too smart, hence the terms "dumb as a dog", "can't teach an old dog new tricks", "dog eat dog", "don't dog on him", "Your car's a dog", "stop doggin' it". Now there is "doggy style" though

"Cat scratch fever", Halle Berry as "Catwoman", "the cats meow", the play "CATS" (don't go to plays, just sayin'), "the agility of a cat".
Old 11-27-2010, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Klasse Act
As far as a criminal act, well, I put the feces in a grocery bag and then threw it on the windshield. Wanna prosecute me....come on by, I'm originally from Detroit and now live in Chicago.
Is this a lame attempt at "internet tough guy" or are you explaining through your surroundings and hometown why you think throwing refuse on the private property of another is acceptable behavior? It's a class-less act, and you're on here boasting about it like its something to take pride in.
Old 11-27-2010, 02:13 PM
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Catwoman sucks.
Old 11-27-2010, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by TrungLam
Catwoman sucks.
... when Batman holds up the pimp-hand.
Old 11-27-2010, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Occam
Is this a lame attempt at "internet tough guy" or are you explaining through your surroundings and hometown why you think throwing refuse on the private property of another is acceptable behavior? It's a class-less act, and you're on here boasting about it like its something to take pride in.
Not being an internet anything, just saying what I did and where I grew up and where I live now have nothing to do with it, nice try trying to slam that's original

I've seen these stickers for years and when I saw this particular one I just did something about it, too bad. I would expect more from someone from Cali, oh wait, don't wanna stereo type, sorry about that
Old 11-27-2010, 03:48 PM
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You acted like a juvenile and bragged about, and I called your behavior for what it is. You brought up Detroit and Chicago as if it's relevant, as if it excuses it. I didn't come on here and bash your city by bragging about being an asshat and then say, "Well, I'm from Detroit." You did.

Now again, why is vandalizing others property acceptable because a bumper sticker hurts your feelings.
Old 11-29-2010, 12:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Occam

Now again, why is vandalizing others property acceptable because a bumper sticker hurts your feelings.
It's not acceptable...some people just lack maturity when it comes to certain things. I'm just glad he didn't get hurt because if I caught someone doing that to my car over a bumper sticker???...there is going to be an ambulance involved!!
Old 11-29-2010, 05:22 AM
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Well, I agreed that his response was over the top for a bumper sticker, but cat sh*t does wash off, so you physically responding to that scenario in a manner that caused someone to have to seek medical attention would be deemed assault, and would be likewise over the top.

Escalation is not the way to handle disagreements. This is how wars start. Be the better person.
Old 11-29-2010, 10:57 AM
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Well all I can say is that when you put something like that bumper sticker on your car you'd better be ready for anything. Freedom of speech....ABSOLUTELY!

I've heard a saying in the past couple years and it applies here, "common sense is NOT so common!" With the application of this sticker to your car your making it crystal clear that you will harm an animal (cats) if given the chance. People who do this and act on it are no "pillars of society", so if you wanna align yourself with them, go for it, its your right for sure

Ever notice that many murders get their their start with doing things to animals at an early age?

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